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One of my all time favourite products are the Ranger Distress Inks. I use them all. the. time. And one of my favourite ways to use them is as if they were watercolours. And look at how gorgeous that works out::

06 - yup hes mineI added some awesome Amy Tangerine Thickers directly on the photo for the title:

06 - titleAnd on both LO’s I added tons of stars, sequins, and gems:

06 - embelliesThe second LO uses the same technique but the placement was quite different:

05 - beanie babyI still used the Thickers and coloured them with my Sakura Clear Stardust pen for some shimmer:

05 - titleAnd for both LO’s, I added hidden journaling behind the photo:

05 - journalingAs always this year, the pictures are black and white for a couple of reasons:

1. I like the look of black and white these days, and

2. I can use whatever colours strike my fancy to make my backgrounds.

We have another class next week and will be using an awesome new product! Make sure you check back for those layouts!

