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Thinking… about old friends, and how to find them out there in the world.

Enjoying… watching my kiddies as they watch TV – jammed next to each other in the same chair.

M&G - tv

Feeling… lazy.

Wearing… tall boots and jeans. Love my tall boots!

Needing… my bathroom to be finished.

bathroom reno

Wanting… warm donuts.


Listening… to The Once‘s Row Upon Row of the People They Know. It’s fabulous.

The Once cd2

Making… projects, mini albums, cards, canvases….

grateful mini sneak peek

Eating… Purdy’s dark chocolate. Thanks Graham!


Grateful… that I live close to Signal Hill.

Signal Hill

I’ll try to update this each month – let’s see how much changes throughout the year!

Hopefully the bathroom will be done by next time…
